Growing up, brain fog, forgetfulness, and disorganization constantly followed me. In school, there were many times when I felt disoriented, anxious, and lost. Even though I showed up to class every day and tried my best to pay attention.

So, I started reading self help books– watching youtube videos on mindset shifts, setting goals, and making systems

This is where I started to learn and pick up my own productivity tips, time management, building systems to reach my goals and overall, organized life.

I didn’t start this life long learning because I had a love, passion or talent for it. I started because I needed it. I still practice these skills, and they have evolved over my life after becoming a mother, a single mother, a Christian, and now married.

This blog came from wanting to help others who feel like sometimes, life’s responsibilities are overwhelming —and simple tasks can seem difficult

I want to encourage you and say, yes, you can dream, and you can make that dream happen. No matter where you are in this season of life. In fact this is where it starts.